Changing a Drive's Volume Label

ID Number: Q58650




Changing a drive's volume label involves the use of FCB (File Control

Block) file processing, and therefore, is not supplied with the C

run-time libraries. However, one of the ways to do this is through DOS

int 21h calls for FCB file manipulation.

More Information:

Below is an assembly routine written with Microsoft MASM Version 5.10

to change a drive's volume name. To do this, it first sets up an

extended FCB to allow for manipulating files with attributes. Offset 6

of the FCB is set to 8 (_A_VOLID defined in dos.h) to specify a

volume. The old volume is searched for with "*.*" as a pattern and

deleted, then the volume is re-created with the new volume label

passed by the C caller. The function returns the error code supplied

from the DOS API that creates the volume label.

Use the following:

rc = NewVol( iDrive, szName ); // iDrive = Drive number ( 1, 2, ... )

// szName = Up to 11 chars. DOS filename

// rc = Return Code from function.

The new volume label must be passed with 11 characters for the name.

Anything less MUST be padded with spaces.

Sample Code


; unsigned NewVol( int, char * ) will delete a disk volume and

; create one with the new name.


; Assemble with /Dmodel={SMALL MEDIUM COMPACT LARGE}


%.MODEL model,lang


maxlen EQU 11 ;Maximum name length

datasz EQU 2 ;Size of Data Pointers

; Setup an extended FCB

fcb DB 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 1

DB 37 DUP (?)

default DB '* * ' ;Equivalent to "*.*"


NewVol PROC USES si di es, Drive:WORD, VolName:WORD

mov bx,Drive ;Get drive number ( 1 byte )

mov fcb+7,bl ;...and store in FCB offset 7

mov ax,ds

mov es,ax

cld ;Upward move

mov cx,maxlen ;Size of move

mov si,OFFSET default ;Source string to

mov di,OFFSET fcb+8 ;...filename offset in 8 FCB

rep movsb ;Move maxlen bytes of vol name

mov dx,OFFSET fcb ;Delete volume off drive

mov ah,13H

int 21H

mov cx,maxlen

mov si,VolName ;New name passed by C caller

mov di,OFFSET fcb+8

rep movsb ;Copy 11 chars for new label

mov dx,OFFSET fcb ;Create the new volume

mov ah,16H

int 21H

mov dx,OFFSET fcb ;Close the file

mov ah,10H

int 21H

mov ah,0
