INF: C 6.0 and QuickC 2.5 Add New ANSI International Support

ID Number: Q58678

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A series of new international routines designed to support differing

country information has been added to the run-time libraries shipped

with Microsoft C version 6.0 and QuickC version 2.5. The new LOCALE.H

include file contains the new structure declarations and function

definitions. These routines are for describing conventions, such as

currency symbols and date syntax, that vary from country to country.

Note: LOCALE.H is an ANSI-mandated inclusion.

More Information:

The new routines added to the C libraries to allow for

internationalization are as follows:

Routine Description

------- -----------

localeconv() Sets a structure with the appropriate values for

formatting numeric quantities.

setlocale() Selects the appropriate locale for the program.

Currently, setlocale() supports only the NULL locale,

"", which is the US locale, and the "C" locale.

strcoll() Compares strings using locale-specific information.

strftime() Formats a date and time string.

strxfrm() Transforms a string based on locale-specific


Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00