Zenith ZBF-3339-EK 16 MHz 386 INT Conflict w/ Server Services

ID Number: Q67656




I could not get a "NET START NETLOGON" command to complete

successfully. I kept getting Error 2136 General Network failure, which

usually means that this error is caused by a hardware conflict. I am

using a WD8003E Ethercard Plus card and the MACWD.OS2 driver

correctly. The system that this problem occurs on is a 16 MHz Zenith

386 ZBF-3339-EK with 6 MB of RAM and an EGA card.


Although the interrupts are correct, there is something conflicting

with OS/2 LAN Manager so that if you change the INT to 5, Mem to

D1000, and IOAddress to 300, the system works correctly and the "NET

START NETLOGON" completes successfully.

Because this problem was due to a hardware conflict, the Error 2136

could have been generated by any number of other server service

commands (for example, REPLICATOR).