LAN Manager: Decreasing Time to Log Onto Network

ID Number: Q68330




The following information describes how to reduce the time it takes to

log onto a network with either DOS LAN Manager or OS/2 LAN Manager.

DOS LAN Manager


The following can be done to decrease the time it takes to log onto a

network with a DOS LAN Manager workstation:

Have a Domain Controller running NETLOGON to validate the logon to

avoid the (default) 45-second timeout.

OS/2 LAN Manager


You can use either of the following options to decrease the time it

takes to log onto a network with an OS/2 LAN Manager workstation:

1. Have a Domain Controller running NETLOGON to validate the logon to

avoid the (default) 15-second timeout.

2. Change the wrkheuristics 33 bit in the LANMAN.INI file as

described in appendix B of the "Microsoft Operating System/2 LAN

Manager Administrator's Reference." This bit will cause the OS/2

workstation to log onto the network STANDALONE after the timeout

value specified has been exceeded (if a Domain Controller has not

already logged the workstation on, of course).