INF: Documentation for the DOWNLOADFACE Printer Escape

ID Number: Q74606

3.00 3.10




The DOWNLOADFACE printer escape is not documented in versions 3.0 or

3.1 of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) or of the

Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit (DDK). The text below

provides documentation for this particular printer escape.

More Information:

Add the following line to WINDOWS.H header file to define the


#define DOWNLOADFACE 514

The following documentation for the DOWNLOADFACE escape is in the same

format used in the Windows SDK documentation.

short Escape(hDC, DOWNLOADFACE, NULL, lpInData, lpOutData)

The escape is used to determine if a font is a downloadable font (soft

font or TrueType) or to force the font definition to be downloaded to

the printer.

Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

hDC HDC Identifies the device context.

lpInData EXTTEXTMETRIC FAR * Points to a structure returned from


lpOutData SHORT FAR * Points to a value indicating one of two


0 means to inquire the font type

1 means to force the download

Return Value

This escape returns -1 if the font is not downloadable and 1 if it is

downloadable. The escape also returns a 1 if the font was successfully

downloaded to the printer and -1 if the download failed.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 docerr DDKPRINT