INF: Determining Size of Memory Block Referenced by a Pointer

ID Number: Q59087

5.00 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



In Microsoft C versions 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and C/C++ version 7.0,

there is no C run-time library function that explicitly returns the

amount of memory that has been allocated to a pointer by malloc().

However, it is possible to retrieve this information indirectly

through the Microsoft C run-time library function _heapwalk(). The

_heapwalk() function returns a heap information structure of the

following form:

struct _heapinfo {

int far * _pentry;

size_t _size;

int _useflag;


The information returned in this structure can be accessed directly or

used in writing a function that gives the size information you want.

More Information:

Sample Code


/* Compile options needed: none


#include <stddef.h>

#include <malloc.h>

size_t msize(void * pointer, int * error)


struct _heapinfo info; /* Heap info structure */

int heap_status; /* Heap status */

size_t ret_val; /* msize() return value */

info._pentry = NULL; /* Initialize heap info structure */

do {

heap_status = _heapwalk(&info); /* Step through heap until */

} while ((pointer != info._pentry) /* desired entry is found */

&& (heap_status == _HEAPOK)); /* or a heap error occurs. */

if(heap_status == _HEAPOK)

if(info._useflag != _FREEENTRY)

ret_val = info._size; /* No errors */

else {

ret_val = -1; /* Entry has been freed */

*error = _FREEENTRY;


else {

ret_val = -1; /* A heap error occurred */

*error = heap_status;




Note: The msize() function takes as a parameter a pointer pointing to

the base memory that was allocated. For msize() to work correctly,

this pointer MUST point to the base of the allocated block, and not

anywhere within that block.

The msize() function returns the size of the allocated block or -1 if

an error occurs. If -1 is returned, an error code is returned through

the error parameter. The error parameter will be one of the following

manifest constants:



These error codes are generated by the Microsoft run-time library

function _heapwalk(). Refer to your Microsoft C Compiler's

documentation on _heapwalk() for more information on the meaning of

these error codes.

Following is a sample program that uses of the msize() function to

find the amount of memory allocated to a pointer. This function is

designed to work in any memory model:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <malloc.h>

size_t msize(void *, int *);

void main (void)


char * p;

int error;

size_t size;

p = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 11);

if(p == NULL) {

printf("Memory allocation error\n");



size = msize(p,&error);

if(size == -1)

printf("An msize error has occurred\n");


printf("Size = %u\n", size);


Note: The malloc() function allocates 11 bytes of memory for use by

the pointer p. Surprisingly, msize() returns 12 as the size of the

allocated block. Actually, this is an expected result. Malloc() always

allocates even-byte amounts as a result of PC architecture.

Consequently, msize()'s return value is always an even amount.

Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00