PRB: Cannot Open Compiler Intermediate File

ID Number: Q59479

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



In DOS mode, the error number for the "cannot open compiler

intermediate file" message is C1042; in OS/2, the error number is

C1043. This is caused by an incorrect setting of the TMP environment

variable when a semicolon ends the path. For example:


This causes the compiler to return the following error message:

fatal error C1042: cannot open compiler intermediate file -- DOS


fatal error C1043: cannot open compiler intermediate file -- OS/2

The correct way to set up the TMP environment variable is as follows:


More Information:

It is important that the environment string does not end with a

semicolon (;) because the compiler appends the intermediate filename

to the TMP path. By removing the semicolon from the path, the compiler

can create the file correctly.

In addition, the TMP variable must be set to a drive that has

sufficient space for the compiler's temporary files.

Because there are other Microsoft products that use the TMP

environment variable, it is safe to remove the semicolon from the end

of the TMP environment variable path.

This is true only for the TMP variable, because other environment

variables are used only for a search path.

Additional reference words: 5.1 5.10 6.0 6.00 6.0a 6.00a 6.0ax 6.00ax