PRB: Spy Repeatedly Lists a Single Message

ID Number: Q74278





Spy sometimes reports messages as having been sent twice. Messages

from DDE conversations, especially the WM_DDE_DATA, WM_DDE_ACK, and

WM_DDE_POKE messages, are the most often duplicated. This behavior

can be seen by choosing All Windows from Spy's Windows menu,

selecting DDE messages in Spy's Options dialog, and then running

two applications that communicate using DDE.


Spy displays a message each time it is retrieved. If an application

retrieves a message once by calling PeekMessage() with PM_NOREMOVE,

and then again with GetMessage(), Spy will report it twice. Spy

cannot determine that the message was already retrieved by the

application. Since the application is using the message twice, the

message should indeed be shown twice. This is a useful feature for

determining how an application is handling the DDE messages sent to
