INF: Calculating The Logical Dimensions of a Font

ID Number: Q74299

3.00 3.10



To create a font in the Microsoft Windows graphical environment given

only the required point size, an application must calculate the

logical height of the font because the CreateFont and

CreateFontIndirect functions use logical units to specify height. To

describe a font to the user, an application can calculate a font's

point size, given its height. This article provides the formulas

required to perform these calculations.

More Information:

To calculate the logical height, use the following formula:


height = Internal Leading + -------------------------


LOGPIXELSY is the number of pixels contained in a logical inch on the

device. This value is obtained by calling the GetDeviceCaps function

with the LOGPIXELSY index. The value 72 is significant because one

inch contains 72 points.

The problem with this calculation is that there is no method to

determine the internal leading for the font because it has not yet

been created. To work around this difficulty, use the following

variation of the formula:

-(Point Size * LOGPIXELSY)

height = --------------------------


When an application calls the CreateFont or CreateFontIndirect

functions and specifies a negative value for the height parameter, the

font mapper provides the closest match for the character height rather

than the cell height. The difference between the cell height and the

character height is the internal leading, as demonstrated by the

following diagram:

---------- <------------------------------

| | |- Internal Leading |

| | | | <--------- |

| | | | | |- Cell Height

| |---| | |- Character Height |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

---------- <------------------------------

The following formula computes the point size of a font:

(Height - Internal Leading) * 72

Point Size = --------------------------------


The Height and Internal Leading values are obtained from the

TEXTMETRIC data structure. The LOGPIXELSY value is obtained from the

GetDeviceCaps function as outlined above.

Round the calculated point size to the nearest integer. The Windows

MulDiv function rounds its result and is an excellent choice to

perform the above calculation.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10