INF: Using GDI-Synthesized Italic Fonts

ID Number: Q74467

3.00 3.10



In the Microsoft Windows graphical environment, when an application

uses an italic font synthesized by the graphics device interface

(GDI), each character and its whole character cell are "sheared," or

slanted, to the right, which can cause some unexpected results.

More Information:

The capital H in the example below illustrates how GDI synthesizes an

italic font:

.......... ..........

. . . .

. | | . . | | .

. | | . . | | .

. |----| . italicizes to . |----| .

. | | . . | | .

. | | . . | | .

. . . .

.......... ..........

Note two items in this case:

1. If the text background color is changed so that it does not match

the window background color, the text background color occupies the

sheared character cell (in other words, it is also slanted). Gaps

occur in the background where normal text is adjacent to italic


2. The italic character is farther to the right in relation to the

lower-left corner of the character cell than is the normal

character. Therefore, if normal and italic text start at the same x

coordinate on different lines, the italic text appears farther to

the right.

To determine the number of units by which the character cell is

sheared, call the GetTextMetrics function to fill a TEXTMETRIC data

structure with information about the font. The tmOverhang member

describes the amount of shear.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10