INF: Upgrading a Server Using the Full Install Disks

ID Number: Q76527




The following is the procedure for upgrading a Microsoft LAN Manager

server using a full install set. This procedure was written to provide

step-by-step instructions so that no critical pieces of the original

installation would be lost in the upgrade process. This process was

written specifically for upgrading to LAN Manager version 2.0c,

although it may be helpful in future upgrades as well.

Note: The instructions are written with regard to a default

installation. Many of the directory paths can be configured within LAN

Manager. Proper precautions should be taken to understand the intent

of each step below, and thus take the equivalent step with regard to

your particular installation.

1. Use BACKACC.EXE to perform a backup of the user database, audit

log, and file/directory permissions.

Note: There have been patches made to BACKACC.EXE in the upgrade

to LAN Manager 2.0c. To eliminate possible problems with BACKACC,

use the copy on the 2.0c installation disks. BACKACC is on the

OS/2 Workstation Disk 4 in the NETPROG directory.

Use the following syntax to back up file permissions on drive C:

backacc c:\ /f:c:\back_c.acl /s

Similarly, back up file permissions on the rest of the partitions

on the server. For example:

backacc d:\ /f:c:\back_d.acl /s

The user database and audit log will actually be backed up each

time BACKACC is run; however, multiple backups of these files are

not harmful.

2. Copy the following files to the root directory (the current LAN

Manager installation will eventually be removed later in this

procedure and all files in the LANMAN directory and subdirectories

will be lost):




3. Make a copy of the replication files, which normally include logon

scripts. If these files are not usually kept in a subdirectory of

the LANMAN directory, they will not be deleted, and thus this step

can be skipped. Use the following command

xcopy c:\lanman\repl c:\temp\repl /s

where C:\TEMP\REPL is a temporary directory created for this


4. Make a copy of the user directories. In the default installation,

use the following command

xcopy c:\lanman\accounts\userdirs c:\temp\userdirs /s

where C:\TEMP\USERDIRS is a temporary directory created for this


5. Make a copy of the profiles. In the default installation, use the

following command

xcopy c:\lanman\profiles c:\temp\profiles /s

where C:\TEMP\PROFILES is a temporary directory created for this


6. If remote program load (RPL) is being used, make copies of the

following files:






Boot Images in C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS

The RPL setup is highly configurable; measures should be taken

to save previous customizations.

7. Stop the workstation service using the following command:

net stop workstation /y

8. Run SETUP.EXE from the LANMAN directory and remove the LAN Manager


Note: Because Print Manager is using the file

C:\LANMAN\NETLIB\LMPRINT.QPR, an error may occur when this step is

performed. If this error occurs, boot from a floppy disk (for

example, the OS/2 installation disk) and rename LMPRINT.QPR. Once

this file has been renamed, reboot off the hard drive, stop the

workstation, and continue removing LAN Manager.

When the remove process is finished, reboot the machine.

9. Run SETUP.EXE from the new copy of the LAN Manager full

installation disks, picking the appropriate NDIS drivers and

protocol stacks for your installation. Extra services for

autostart do not need to be selected at this time. The same name

MUST be used for the server and domain that were being used on the

old installation.

Note: STARTUP.CMD may need to be edited after the installation

because the lines to start the server will be added to the end of

STARTUP.CMD. Any lines that need to run after NET START SERVER

must be moved manually.

10. Restore the replication directories, user directories, and

profiles. Use the following commands (assuming the exact same

commands listed in steps 3, 4, and 5 were used):

xcopy c:\temp\repl c:\lanman\repl /s

xcopy c:\temp\userdirs c:\lanman\accounts\userdirs /s

xcopy c:\temp\profiles c:\lanman\profiles /s

11. If RPL is being used, restore the files saved in step 6.

12. Stop the workstation service. First, log on with the default admin


net logon admin password

Then, stop the workstation service with the following command:

net stop workstation /y

13. Restore the original user accounts database, audit log, and

LANMAN.INI using the following commands:

copy c:\netacc.bkp c:\lanman\accounts\net.acc

copy c:\netaud.bkp c:\lanman\logs\net.aud

copy c:\lanman.ini c:\lanman\lanman.ini

14. Restore the file/directory permissions using RESTACC. The syntax

for the C: partition is as follows:

restacc c:\ /f:c:\back_c.acl /s

Restore the file/directory permissions for the remaining

partitions. For example, use the following command for the D:


restacc d:\ /f:c:\back_d.acl /s

15. If you have a license for more than five users, run the ADDPAK

disks on this new installation.

16. If the UPS service was being run, reinsert the following line in



where COMx is the serial port where the UPS is attached.

17. The server upgrade should now be complete. Run

net start server

and have the server boot with its original configuration.

Now, the workstations should be upgraded. This process should be

considerably less involved. Make sure to back up the profile before

removing and reinstalling the LAN Manager workstation.

Additional reference words: 2.00c