PRLAN9109001: Forced Logoff and Restricted Logon Times

ID Number: Q76568





Problem ID: PRLAN9109001


Restricting users' logon times and setting forced logoff may result

in unpredictable behavior by the SERVER and NETLOGON services. For


1. When a user's logon times have been restricted and forced logoff

(FLO) has been set to Never, the following scenario can occur:

User_1 logs on during his legitimate logon period. User_1

forgets to log off before going home. When User_1's allowed

logon period ends, he gets a pop-up message every five minutes

stating that his logon period has expired. The next day, when

User_1's logon period comes around again, the server will no

longer accept new sessions.

2. When two users have logon periods and FLO has been set to

something other than Never, the following scenario can occur:

Suppose User_1's restricted logon period is from 8 A.M. to 4

P.M. and User_2's restricted logon period is from 7 A.M. to 3

P.M. User_1 logs on at 9 A.M. and then User_2 logs on at 9:30

A.M. When User_2 logs out at 2:30 P.M., the server will get a

general protection violation (GP-fault).

3. When users' logon times have been restricted and FLO has been

set to something other than Never, the NETLOGON service will

intermittently stop responding to logon requests.

If the NET START command is issued, the NETLOGON service

appears. Trying to do a NET STOP NETLOGON results in a NET3100

error. The only way to restart the NETLOGON service is to reboot

the server. Note that some users who were connected before the

NETLOGON service stopped responding to logon requests will not

see any problem with the server and will be able to copy files,

and so on, to and from the server as if everything worked



Microsoft has confirmed these to be problems in LAN Manager version

2.0c. Problems 1 and 3 have been corrected in the Patch 9 update to

LAN Manager 2.0c. We are researching problem 2 and will post new

information here as it becomes available.

Additional reference words: 2.00c