INF: LAN Manager UPS Serial Port Pin Usage

ID Number: Q76909




Most uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) signal their status via

contact closure or voltage changes on specific pins. LAN Manager uses

this method to monitor the UPS.

The pins that LAN Manager uses are:

CTS = Line fail

(Power out)

DCD = Low battery

DTR = UPS shutdown

(Signal from the server to the UPS to shut down)

Whether a signal is high or low to indicate a given state is dependent

on the manufacturer. For more information, please see the UPS section

of Appendix B in the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Reference"

(see especially the VOLTLEVELS parameter), and the user's guide that

came with the UPS.

More Information:

Unfortunately, there is an IOCTL (I/O control) used to handle the

types of signal changes a UPS sends that is not supported in

COM0x.SYS; therefore, the UPSDRV.OS2 driver used by LAN Manager is


Note: The UPS service/driver defaults to COM1. If another

communications port is being used, it must be specified when loading

the driver in the CONFIG.SYS file. Change CONFIG.SYS from


to the following

device=c:\lanman\drivers\upsdrv.os2 /PORT:COMx

where x is the number of the COM port.

Additional reference words: 2.00