PRLAN9110001: Workstation Failure After Printing

ID Number: Q77091

2.00 2.00a 2.00b 2.00c





When a Microsoft LAN Manager enhanced DOS workstation completes a

print job to a shared printer and attempts to access file server

resources, the workstation may fail.

Workstations using various electronic mail (e-mail) and database

applications will display various symptoms. The application will

attempt to retry the process that failed or it will terminate the

process. Symptoms vary, depending on the error handling routine

provided by the application. Several potential LAN Manager errors

will then be displayed by the workstation:

Network retrying will be indicated by workstation beeping.

Net815: Network name was deleted

Net810: Unexpected Network error

Net805: Network device no longer exists

Note: These symptoms have been observed using applications

including CCMail, Revelation, and Omnis5 Window Database



In some cases, the enhanced redirector will perform a previously

completed command instead of the command currently assigned. In the

example below, the last available workstation buffer was used to

successfully complete the printing process. At this point, the

buffer was made available. However, the buffer was not reallocated

properly. As a result, the previously associated command, a Spool

Byte Range SMB (server message block), was submitted again.

The command was incorrectly submitted rather than the currently

assigned SMB, which was intended to access the file server

following the Lock & Read SMB.


Modify LANMAN.INI located in the LANROOT directory on the DOS

workstation. Increase the value assigned to NumWkBuf. For example,

the default setting of 5 can be increased to 10. This will help to

prevent the redirector from reallocating the last available buffer



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in LAN Manager version

2.0c. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

The DOS enhanced redirectors, NETWKSTA.*, will be modified to

correct this problem. These fixes will be included in LAN Manager

2.0c upgrade Patch 10, as well as LAN Manager version 2.1.

More Information:



A LAN Manager workstation accesses an application from a LAN Manager

file server. It successfully submits a job to a shared LAN Manager

print queue. After the print job is completed, the file server is

accessed. During the process of accessing the file server, a failure

occurs. As shown in packet 3 listed below, the workstation attempts to

perform a Spool Byte Range SMB command during the process of accessing

a data file. This is not a valid request and the server responds


Sample Sniffer Trace


Destination Source Description

----------- ------ -----------

1) FileSVR Wksta SMB C F=1E52 Lock & Read 512 at 0

2) Wksta FileSVR SMB R Locked & Read

*3) FileSVR Wksta SMB C Spool Byte Range

4) Wksta FileSVR SMB R Invalid TID

Additional reference words: 2.00 2.00a 2.00b 2.00c 2.10