INF: Future Direction of WINMEM32

ID Number: Q74478




WINMEM32 is a dynamic-link library (DLL) that allows applications

running in enhanced mode Windows version 3.00 to support the 32-bit

flat memory model.

As additional versions of the product are released, it is planned


- The limit on the maximum object size will be increased from

16,711,680 bytes (16 megabytes minus 64 kilobytes).

- Selectors for WINMEM32 memory objects will not be tiled by default.

Instead, selectors will be tiled using the Global16PointerAlloc()

function. This change will make WINMEM32 less "selector intensive."

In the future, a 32-bit version of Windows will be released. At that

time, all development of WINMEM32 will cease because its functionality

(supporting 32-bit applications on 16-bit Windows) will be

unnecessary. WINMEM32 applications will be supported on this future
