PRB: Error 71 When Printing to OS/2 1.3 LAN Manager Server

ID Number: Q82948





The following information applies to LAN Manager version 2.0 only:

After installing LAN Manager 2.0 on OS/2 version 1.3, sometimes

when trying to print, the workstation will receive an ERROR 71, or

an MS-DOS workstation may receive a NET 823 error.


This error condition can be attributed to one of two problems that

cause very similar behaviors.

- The first problem is attributed to LAN Manager 2.0x, and has been

corrected in subsequent releases.

- The second problem still exists in all versions of OS/2 1.3.


In the first problem (the LAN Manager problem), the startup profile

saved in SRVAUTO.PRO has two lines for each queue. The first line

is a NET PRINT line and the second line is a NET SHARE line. The

NET PRINT line is not properly formed and disassociates the print

driver properties for the queue. This causes an ERROR 71 to be

returned to the client.

To work around this problem, completely remove the NET PRINT line

from SRVAUTO.PRO by performing the following four steps:

1. Carry out a NET SAVE SRVAUTO command, if necessary, to save any

additional shares.

2. Stop the workstation and server services (issue NET STOP


3. Edit SRVAUTO.PRO (found in the LANMAN\PROFILES directory), and

remove the offending NET PRINT lines.

4. Save the file, and restart the machine.

Note: If you share more printers, perform a NET SAVE command, or if

your server is set to autosave on shutdown, you may have to perform

one or more of the above four steps again.

The second problem appears in new installations, and appears to be

somewhat related to the first condition. The behavior is the same,

but occurs for a different reason (that is, ERROR 71). The problem

is that the spooler does not properly save the print properties to


To work around this problem, go into the Print Manager and resave

the printer properties and job properties for each printer and

queue. This needs to be done only once. After that, as long as

OS2.INI is not lost, you can upgrade and change software at will

without effect. This can be accomplished as follows:

After the fresh install of MS OS/2 1.30.1, save your queue

properties and printer properties so that OS2.INI will be properly

saved with regards to the spooler. For each printer or queue, do

the following:

1. From the Print Manager's Setup menu, choose Printers.

2. Choose Change, then choose Printer Properties.

3. Press ENTER, choose Change, then choose OK.

4. From the Print Manager's Setup menu, choose Printers.

5. Choose Change, then choose Job Properties.

6. Press ENTER, choose Change, then choose OK.

7. Shut down the server, then power down the machine. (This problem

has been known to remain after a warm reboot.)

Additional reference words: 2.00 2.00c