PRWIN9107005: Drawing Problem When Group Box Text Changes

ID Number: Q74510



buglist3.00 fixlist3.10




Under version 3.0 of the Microsoft Windows graphical environment,

when an application calls the SetDlgItemText function to change the

text of a group box, any text not overwritten by the new text

continues to be displayed.


A group box is implemented as a type of transparent window with a

border and title text. A group box cannot erase its background

because doing so would erase any controls inside the box. Versions

of Windows earlier than 3.1 do not erase the portion of the group

box under the title text.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows version

3.0. Two methods to work around this problem are as follows:

- Be sure that the string passed to SetDlgItemText is as long as

or longer than the text displayed in the control. If necessary,

add blanks to the end of the string.


- Cause the application to repaint the group box text. The

following code fragment implements this method:

char temp_string[MAXLEN];

RECT rect;

HWND hDlg, hGroupBox;

SetDlgItemText(hDlg, ID_GROUPBOX, temp_string);

hGroupBox = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_GROUPBOX);

GetWindowRect(hGroupBox, &rect);

ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rect.left);

ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rect.right);

InvalidateRect(hDlg, &rect, TRUE); // erase background

UpdateWindow(hDlg); // repaint

This problem was corrected in Windows version 3.1. The methods

provided above to avoid the problem are compatible with Windows


Additional reference words: 3.00