MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC: Directory Control

ID Number: Q34471

5.10 | 5.10



The following information was taken from the MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC file.

More Information:


@MkDir, (39h), @RmDir (3Ah), and @ChDir (3Bh)

Creates, deletes, or changes to the specified directory

Syntax: @MkDir &path [,segment]

@RmDir &path [,segment]

@ChDir &path [,segment]

Arguments: path = Offset of ASCIIZ string to

segment = Segment of path (DS if none given)

Return: If carrry set, error code in AX

Registers used: AX and DX; DS if segment changed

@GetDir (47h)

Returns the current directory of the specified drive

Syntax: @GetDir &path [,[drive] [,segment]]

Arguments: buffer = Offset of buffer to receive ASCIIZ


drive = 8-bit drive number - 0=current, 1=A,

2=B, etc.

(0 if none given)

segment = Segment of path (DS if none given)

Return: If carrry set, error code in AX

Registers used: AX, SI, and DL; DS if segment changes