word Causes "Illegal Operand Size" Warning

ID Number: Q34501

5.10 | 5.10



The following command causes the warning "illegal operand size:"

lds dx, word ptr [bp+6]

However, using dword assembles clean.

The line is from the code below. The procedure foo function

receives a pointer to a string and writes it to the screen.

It accept dword and not word because the LDS assembler instruction

reads and stores a far pointer specified by the source-memory operand.

Using the word type should cause a warning with small model.

The following sample code demonstrates the problem:

.model medium



_foo PROC

push bp

mov bp, sp

lds dx, word ptr [bp+6] ;causes 'illegal operand size'.

;but not with use of 'dword'

mov ah, 40h

mov bx, 1

mov cx, 17

int 21h

pop bp


_foo ENDP