MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC: Character and Cursor Control

ID Number: Q34575

5.10 | 5.10



The following information was taken from the MASM Version 5.10


More Information:


@GetCur (I 10h F 04h)

Gets the cursor position and size

Syntax: @GetCur [page]

Arguments: page = 8-bit page with cursor (if none, 0


Return: DL = Column

DH = Row

CL = Starting scan line

CH = Ending scan line

Registers used: AX, DX, CX, and BH

@SetCurPos (I 10h F 02h)

Sets the cursor position

Syntax: @SetCurSz [column] [,[row] [,page]]

Arguments: column = 8-bit column; if none, DL used

row = 8-bit row; if none, DH used

page = 8-bit page with cursor (if none, 0


Return: none

Registers used: AX, DX, and BH

@SetCurSz (I 10h F 01h)

Sets the cursor size and shape by specifying active scan lines. The

CGA adapter the lines are 0-7. The monochrome adapter has lines


Syntax: @SetCurSz startline, endline

Arguments: startline = 8-bit starting scan line (default C

GA=6; MA=12)

endline = 8-bit ending scan line (default CGA=7;


Return: none

Registers used: AX and CX

@GetChAtr (I 10h F 08h)

Gets the character and attribute at the cursor location

Syntax: @GetChAtr [page]

Arguments: page = 8-bit page to check (if none, 0


Return: AH = Attribute

AL = ASCII character

Registers used: AX and BH

@PutChAtr (I 10h F 09h) and @PutCh (I 10h F 0Ah)

Puts one or more characters and attributes at the current cursor

position. For @PutCh, the current attribute is used in text modes and

any specified attribute is ignored.

Syntax: @PutChAtr [character] [,[attrib] [,[page]


Arguments: character = 8-bit ASCII character to put; if

none, AL used

attrib = 8-bit attribute to put; if none, BL


page = 8-bit page to put on (if none, 0


count = Number to put (if none, 1 assumed)

Return: AH = Attribute

AL = ASCII character

Registers used: AX, BX, CX

@Scroll (I 10h F 06h and 07h)

Scrolls a specified window up or down

Syntax: @Scroll dist [,[attr] [,[uprow [,[upcol [,[dnrow]


Arguments: dist = 8-bit number of lines to scroll;

positive scrolls down; negative scrolls

up; 0 clears

attr = 8-bit attribute for blank lines (if

none, 07h)

uprow = Upper left row (if none, CH used)

upcol = Upper left column (if none, CL used)

dnrow = Lower right row (if none, DH used)

dncol = Lower right column (if none, DL used)

Return: none

Registers used: AX, CX, DX, and BH

@Cls (I 10h F 06, 08h, and 02h)

Clears the screen of the current page

Syntax: @Cls

Arguments: None

Return: None

Registers used: AX, BX, CX, and DX