INF: How to Start SQL Server

ID Number: Q40919

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



LAN Manager SERVER service must be started before starting SQL Server.

Also, if SHARE-LEVEL security is active on the server, IPC$ must be

shared. The LAN Manager WORKSTATION service must be started on the

workstation before attempting to connect to SQL Server.

If USER-LEVEL security is active on the server, LAN Manager accounts

with permission to use the share name "PIPE" must be added for each

workstation that is to use SQL Server. Workstations must execute a NET

LOGON with a valid name and password before attempting to connect to

SQL Server.

Also, since many of the LAN Manager services show server names with

the "\\" prefix, the documentation should state that the "\\" prefix

must not be included when specifying the server name to the SQL Server

utilities (ISQL, SAF, BCP, CONSOLE, and so forth).

The following is a quick example of how to start ISQL:

ISQL -Usa -P -Sservername

('quit' to terminate)

Additional reference words: Platforms - LAN Manager