INF: "Open Failed on Network Pipe" on Connect to SQL Server

ID Number: Q41720

1.10 1.11 4.20



The following is a detailed description of diagnostics to do when

attempts to connect to SQL Server from an MS-DOS client fail with

"Open failed on network pipe".

More Information:

If user-level security is active on the OS/2 server, be sure that NET

LOGON with a valid username AND PASSWORD has been executed before

attempting to connect to SQL Server. Be sure the username has been

granted permission by the LANMAN administrator to use named pipes

(sharename \PIPE).

If you can connect to SQL Server after issuing NET USE but not before,

NET LOGON is not being executed correctly.

If NET USE prompts you for a password, you were logged on, but under

an incorrect password. If NET USE prompts for both username and

password, you were not logged on at all.

Check the NET ADMIN audit trail on the OS/2 server for attempted

security violations. You can use the full-screen NET command to see

what username you are currently logged in as. If the NET command

forces you through a logon sequence, you were not logged on correctly.

You can use MAKEPIPE and READPIPE to get the error code. For details

on how to use these diagnostic utilities, see the "Microsoft SQL

Server Language Reference Manual" for version 4.2.

READPIPE error code 53 is the symptom of an incorrect NET LOGON. You

need to be sure the MS-DOS workstation is completely logged on

before attempting to use a named pipe.

If the username you used in the NET LOGON command does not exist on

the server, or if that username does not have permission to use named

pipes on the server, READPIPE will fail with error code 65. If, on the

other hand, you do a NET LOGON specifying a username that does exist

on the server and that has permission to use named pipes, you will get

an error code 53 if that user has a password and you fail to include

it in the NET LOGON command. This only happens the first time, and

only with a missing password. Once a password is specified, it is


If none of this seems to help, you can temporarily disable user-level

security by changing the line "SECURITY=USER" to "SECURITY=SHARE" in


Additional reference words: LAN Manager LAN Server