INF: Using Browse Mode in DB-LIBRARY

ID Number: Q42303

1.10 1.11 4.20



The following is information on using browse mode in DB-LIBRARY


1. The table must have a Timestamp column, as follows:

create table xxx (columnname datatype,

columnname datatype,





2. The table must have a unique index, and the following must be true:

a. The index must be defined before any data is added.

b. The definition of primary key with sp_primary key is not


3. The SELECT statement must include the FOR BROWSE option.

More Information:

The dbtabbrowse function indicates whether browse is permitted on a

table. If the return value from dbtabbrowse is not 1 after the

dbresults for the SELECT...FOR BROWSE, browse will not work. Check

that the table has a unique index and that the Timestamp column

contains non-null data.

SELECT * FROM... after data is added to the table should produce

values in the Timestamp field even though no values were entered on

the INSERT statement.

Additional reference words: dblib