Warning A5114: Operand Size Does Not Match Segment Word Size

ID Number: Q35882

5.00 5.10



The MASM warning A5114: "Operand size does not match segment word

size" occurs when using 32-bit operands in USE16 segments. The warning

is only generated on push and pop instructions using an operand with

the size other than the size of the segment. For example, using dword

push in a USE16 segment or using a word push in a USE32 segment. The

warning is not generated for any other use of 32-bit operands.

The warning message may have been added to aid the programmer trying

to convert code from 16-bit segments to 32-bit segments. The warning

message should only occur in 32-bit segments when 16-bit push/pop

operands are given, and not in the converse situation.

Microsoft is researching the subject and will post more information

when available.