INF: Concurrency and Consistency, and SQL Server Alternatives

ID Number: Q43199

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The following is an overview of the concurrency versus consistency

problem and the alternatives available with the SQL Server.

The information on locking in the SQL Server is based on the methods

described in the paper "Granularity of locks and degrees of

consistency in a shared data base" by J.N. Gray, G.R. Putzolo, and

I.L. Traiger, in "Modeling in Data Base Management Systems," North

Holland, 1976.

More Information:

There is a trade-off between sharing data and maintaining consistency

when multiple users update the same data. The best solution is to only

make changes that read and update in an atomic unit, rather than

reading and updating in two separate steps. The best example is an

account balance update transaction. If the transaction consists of

reading the account balance, adding or subtracting some amount, and

then writing it back, it will be necessary to lock the account between

the read and the update in order to ensure that the update is not

undone by another transaction.

If the transaction were constructed without a separate read (that is,


locking is required. To prohibit negative balances, use a trigger or

add a condition to the WHERE clause that requires BALANCE to be

greater than or equal to AMOUNT.

Some types of data, such as addresses, can just be replaced without

regard for the previous value. The UPDATE command can be constructed

to selectively alter only particular fields, thus avoiding the problem

of overlaying the updates made to other fields by other transactions

(which would occur if the entire row were replaced).

Reservation Application Example


In an application designed to control the scheduling of some resource

(such as airline seats), it may be necessary to key in a lot of data

once the desired resource is selected. If no special action is taken,

the selected item will not be "reserved" until all of the information

is keyed in. If another user happens to be trying to select the same

item, one of them will "lose" and will have to key in the information


Using HOLDLOCK to place a SHARE lock on the selected item would

eliminate the possibility of another user updating that item, but with

many users competing for the same items, it is highly possible that

multiple users would acquire SHARE locks on the same item, thus

preventing any of them from updating it. The first user attempting to

update the item would be blocked indefinitely. The second user

attempting an update would cause a deadlock, and one of the two users

would be terminated in order to break the deadlock. Acquiring an

exclusive lock on the item while reading it would eliminate the

deadlock, but would reduce concurrency, since other users could not

even read the item to see whether or not it was allocated.

The solution in this case is to add an "allocated" flag to the item.

When the user selects an item, the transaction should issue an update

with a WHERE clause that includes the unique identifier of the item

and a condition that the "allocated" flag not be set. If the update is

successful, the user can be prompted for the rest of the information.

If the update fails, some other user selected the item first, but

nothing must be re-entered.

General Browse Problem


In the general browse problem, several users browse through and

selectively update rows in a table. If locking is used, an entire page

full of rows must be locked each time a user pages forward through the

data. This greatly reduces concurrency because the users may not

update any of the rows that have been reserved for them. HOLDLOCK

would allow other users to read the rows, but not update them.

If locking is not used and if the updates depend on the previous value

of the data, inconsistencies can result. Timestamping is a solution to

this problem. Timestamp is a special data type that is automatically

updated whenever a row is changed. Transactions can avoid updating

rows that have changed since the last read by issuing the UPDATE with

a WHERE clause that includes not only the unique identifier of the

row, but also a timestamp comparison. If the timestamp is not the same

as when the row was last read, the update fails. In this approach, the

data entered as part of the update is usually lost, but the user

interface could include the option to display the new values and ask

the user whether or not the update should be applied.

Summarization Consistency Problem


Another problem that occurs when multiple transactions update the same

data is the summarization inconsistency problem. If account balances

are being updated while a summarization report is reading the

database, the report may contain inconsistencies. This will only occur

if updates are allowed against accounts that already have been

summarized in addition to those that have yet to be processed. The

solution is to use HOLDLOCK on the summarization transaction. HOLDLOCK

causes SHARE locks to be held until commit time. The end result is

that other transactions can update accounts that have not yet been

read for the summarization report, but no updates are permitted

against accounts that have already been processed.

Allowing the updates to process against accounts that have not yet

been read is essentially the same as allowing those updates to run

before running the summarization report, and then prohibiting all

updates while it runs. The HOLDLOCK approach provides the same degree

of consistency as locking the entire table, and it allows more


Additional reference words: Optimization and tuning