ID Number: Q45233

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



WAITFOR ERROREXIT is designed to wake up when a process is abnormally

terminated. This does not include "not found" errors, syntax errors,

RAISERROR, ARITHABORT, or even the killing of a process. An attempt to

read a corrupted table will cause WAITFOR ERROREXIT to wake up.

Basically, any error severe enough to cause a stack trace dump on the

SQL Server will wake up WAITFOR ERROREXIT.

A process using WAITFOR ERROREXIT could be used to notify system

administration personnel that an abnormal termination has taken place

or perhaps perform some other action.

WAITFOR PROCESSEXIT wakes up whenever a client disconnects from the

SQL Server. If the absence of a particular process signals some event,

WAITFOR PROCESSEXIT could be used to wake up every time a process

terminates, select SYSPROCESSES for a specific application name, and

perform some action if it is not found. Another possibility is to

check whether or not all users have logged off, and perform some

action if they have.

Additional reference words: Transact-SQL