INF: Using Separate Pipes for Update in Browse Mode

ID Number: Q45253

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



This article explains locking when using separate pipes for an update

in browse mode.

More Information:

SQL Server considers different pipes to be different users. This means

that the select pipe could block (or deadlock) the update pipe. The

select statement acquires a shared page lock on each page that it

reads. If HOLDLOCK is not used, it releases each shared page lock as

soon as it finishes reading the page. Whenever there are unprocessed

rows from a select statement, the page containing the first

unprocessed row remains locked until all rows from that page are

processed. Then, the lock is moved to the next page. Unfortunately,

the page containing the first unprocessed row probably will also

contain the row that is to be updated.

If HOLDLOCK is used, the shared locks are held until commit, and a

second pipe cannot be used to update any rows read by the first pipe.

Note that browse mode creates a temporary table of result data so that

there are no locks left on the underlying table. As a result, the two

pipes will have no lock contention. Browse mode uses a timestamp

column to control data integrity problems that might result from

concurrent updates.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20