INF: Inline Assembly Seems to Incorrectly Access Far Labels

ID Number: Q65818

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 6.00 6.00a


The following inline assembly code produces a NULL pointer assignment

when compiled with the compact or large memory model. The code should

store the ss:sp in the huge pointer tsrstack. However, the code

generated assumes that the variables are in the segment referenced by

the DS register. This is not a correct assumption for a compact or

large memory model program. Thus, the values are moved into DGROUP

causing the R6001 NULL pointer assignment message.

This is NOT a compiler error. With inline assembly, the compiler makes

no changes to the code. Therefore, there is no segment override added

to the code to allow for tsrstack residing in another segment (in this

case FAR_DATA). It is the developer's responsibility to make sure that

the correct code is used for each memory model.

Sample Code


char _huge * tsrstack;

void main (void)


_asm MOV WORD PTR tsrstack[0], sp

_asm MOV WORD PTR tsrstack[2], ss


This program was extracted from the larger program example ALARM.C,

which is accessible through online help.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00