Division Operators "/" with .186, .286, and .386

ID Number: Q39446

5.00 5.10 | 5.10



To use calculation operators on constant values larger than 17 bits,

".386" has to be enabled. Otherwise, the assembler may generate error

"A2029 : Division by 0 or overflow."

Please refer to Page 174 of the "Microsoft Macro Assembler

Programmer's Guide" in the section "Using Operators" for more specific

information. The program below demonstrates this information.

More information:

When 80386 is enabled by using .386, the program will be assembled

without any error message. Then the program has to run on a 80386


The following is the sample program:

; sample program


.model small


dd 989680h/4h ; the constant value is more than 17 bits.




masm test,,,;

Microsoft Ò Macro Assembler Version 5.10

Copyright Ó Microsoft Corp 1981, 1988. All rights reserved.

test.ASM(7): error A2029: Division by 0 or overflow

23918 Bytes symbol space free

0 Warning Errors

1 Severe Errors