Comparing String Arguments in Macros

ID Number: Q39517

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When using IF directives, relational operators could be used to form

the conditions. Note: The relational operators treat the expressions

as follows:

EQ and NE treat their operators as 16-bit numbers

LT, LE, GT, and GE treat their operators as 17-bit numbers.

The relational operators cannot be used for comparing string

arguments. It is often necessary to compare string arguments in

MACROs. IFIDN and IFDIF directives are available for this purpose.

IFIDN grants assembly if two arguments are identical; IFDIF grants

assembly if two arguments are different. The syntax is as follows:

IFIDN <argument1>,<argument2>

IFDIF <argument1>,<argument2>

More Information:

Please refer to "Microsoft Macro Assembler Programmer's Guide" in the

section "Assembling Conditionally" for more specific information.