Calling DosSetMaxFH() with Values Less Than 40 Fails in CVP

ID Number: Q62666

3.00 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.50



OS/2's DosSetMaxFH() routine can be called to reset the OS/2 default

limit of a maximum of 20 open file handles to a larger number. By

definition, DosSetMaxFH() fails when trying to set the number smaller

than the current maximum amount of handles. Under OS/2, the default

maximum number of files is 20, so a DosSetMaxFH() call to a number

between 0-19 should fail.

Under CodeView versions 3.0 and later, calling DosSetMaxFH() with a

number between 0-39 will return a fail value because CodeView

automatically calls DosSetMaxFH() to set 40 handles per process.

To get a successful return from DosSetMaxFH() while inside CodeView,

you need to call DosSetMaxFH() with a value of 40 or greater.