INF: Rollback from Within Triggers

ID Number: Q45581

1.10 1.11 4.20



ROLLBACK TRANSACTION behaves differently when used within a trigger

than when not within a trigger.

When not within a trigger, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION must have a matching

BEGIN or SAVE point. When not within a trigger, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION

backs out uncommitted updates, but does not alter the flow of control

of the Transact-SQL batch or stored procedure. To stop processing a

stored procedure, an explicit RETURN must be executed in addition to


When within a trigger, it is not necessary to have a matching BEGIN

TRANSACTION statement because each SQL statement that is not within

an explicit transaction is effectively a one-statement transaction.

Nothing at the SQL batch or stored procedure can get "inside" such

a one-statement transaction; however, the Transact-SQL statement

within a trigger is effectively "inside" the one-statement

transaction, and therefore it does make sense to allow an unbalanced

rollback to the beginning of the one-statement transaction.

Triggers can also execute as part of a larger transaction. Whether or

not they do so, another difference is that a ROLLBACK within a trigger

causes the entire SQL batch to be terminated. There is no need for an

explicit RETURN to alter the flow of control, nor is there any way to

prevent the termination of the batch. The trigger itself does continue

to execute after the ROLLBACK is issued; however, when it exits, the

rest of the batch is aborted.

Additional reference words: Triggers, rules, stored procedures