INF: Locking Multiple Tables in SQL Server

ID Number: Q45585

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



The following is the classical "repeatable read" problem:

Suppose a transaction must update multiple rows in multiple tables.

Further, suppose that those updates are dependent on each other. Other

users must be prevented from updating rows that are part of the set of

rows being updated by the first transaction. Normal SQL Server

concurrency control will prevent other users from updating rows that

have already been updated by the first transaction, but not those rows

it hasn't gotten to yet.

This problem is handled in SQL Server by HOLDLOCK. As long as other

processes are prevented from changing what the read process has

already read, there is no inconsistency. Any changes made by other

processes "in front of" the reading process are equivalent to those

changes having been made before the reading process ever started.

Although automatic locking is initially more difficult to understand

than manual locking, one advantage is that "clean-up" is automatic and

can be completely ignored by the application.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20