Error A2105 with PUSHA and POPA Instructions

ID Number: Q40192




MASM generates the following error message if the PUSHA or POPA

instructions are used without a prior .186, .286, or .386 directive:

A2105: Expected: instruction, directive, or label

This error does not clearly indicate exactly what the problem is. By

default, the Macro Assembler generates code for the 8086 processor,

for which these instructions have not been implemented.

Page 302 of the "Macro Assembler 5.1 Programmer's Guide" states that

these instructions are implemented only for the 80186, 80286, and

80386 processors.

If you have an 8086-based computer, you will have to push and pop the

registers individually, using PUSH and POP. If you have a 80186,

80286, or 80386-based computer, add the appropriate directive to the
