INF: WM_RENDERFORMAT Documentation Incomplete

ID Number: Q75975

3.00 3.10




The documentation for the WM_RENDERFORMAT message on page 6-98 of the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 1" for

version 3.0, and on page 188 of the "Microsoft Windows Programmer's

Reference Volume 3: Messages, Structures, and Macros" manual for

version 3.1 is incomplete.

The following information should be added to the documentation for the

function as a Comments section:

During the processing of this message, the OpenClipboard and

CloseClipboard functions should NOT be called. The WM_RENDERFORMAT

message is sent from within the GetClipboardData function which an

application calls from within a block of code surrounded by the

OpenClipboard and CloseClipboard functions. While processing the

WM_RENDERFORMAT message, the application should not again call the

OpenClipboard and CloseClipboard functions.

NOTE: The first sentence of the above information is already included

on page 188 of the "Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference

Volume 3: Messages, Structures, and Macros" manual for version 3.1.

Note that while processing the WM_RENDERALLFORMATS message, the

OpenClipboard and CloseClipboard functions must be called in order

to call the SetClipboardData function. For more information, query on

the following words:

prod(winsdk) and WM_RENDERALLFORMATS and OpenClipboard

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 3.x docerr MICS3 R1.12 R5.5