INF: WM_RENDERALLFORMATS Documentation Incomplete

ID Number: Q75976





The documentation for the WM_RENDERALLFORMATS message on page 6-98 of

the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 1"

for version 3.0 is incomplete.

The following information should be added to the documentation in the

Comments section:

During the processing of this message, the OpenClipboard and

CloseClipboard functions must be called in order for the

application to call the SetClipboardData function.

This additional information is included on Page 187 of the "Microsoft

Windows Programmer's Reference Volume 3: Messages, Structures, and

Macros" manual for version 3.1.

Note that in processing the WM_RENDERFORMAT message, an application

should NOT call the OpenClipboard and CloseClipboard functions. For

more information query on the following words:

prod(winsdk) and WM_RENDERFORMAT and OpenClipboard

Additional reference words: docerr MICS3 R1.12 R5.5