Running Out of Memory in CodeView with /X

ID Number: Q66230

3.00 3.10 3.11 3.14



Under some circumstances, real-mode CodeView may still run out of

memory while debugging large applications with the /X switch invoked

to take advantage of available extended memory (via HIMEM.SYS or some

other XMS driver). The symbolic debugging information gets expanded

when CodeView loads the program, so the following suggestions may help

eliminate an "out of memory" problem:

1. Don't use the quick compile (/qc) option. The symbolic information

created by the quick compiler may expand much more when loaded by

CodeView than the symbolic information created by the standard

compiler. In addition, the quick compiler may create some duplicate

debug references in the executable file. These duplicate references

can take up significant memory when CodeView loads the program.

2. Use the CVPACK utility, which is documented in the online

documentation and on page 21 of the "Microsoft C Reference" manual.

CVPACK will compress the debug information in the file by removing

duplicate references. Use the /P option to achieve maximum
