PRB: Accessing Help with the CodeView Upgrade for QuickC

ID Number: Q75966

3.11 3.14




Using the Microsoft CodeView Debugger versions 3.14 or 3.11 with

the Microsoft QuickC Compiler, whenever Help for CodeView is

choosen from the menu, the Help for QuickC is activated and there

seems to be no way to bring up CodeView Help.


The help engine in CodeView uses the HELPFILES environment variable

to determine where the .HLP files are located, and unless this is

correct and the STUB.HLP file is explicitly named first, the

CodeView specific help will not accessible.


To access the CodeView-specific Help from CodeView, the STUB.HLP

file provided with the upgrade must be given a higher priority than

the other Help files in the same directory. This may be

accomplished by using a line with the following format:

SET HELPFILES=<path>STUB.HLP;<path>*.hlp

For example,


For the best results, place the help files in the directory

C:\QC25\BIN (the default QC directory). Placing them elsewhere may

make the QuickC help files unavailable from QuickC itself due to

the lack of wildcard support in QuickC's use of the HELPFILES


Additional reference words: CV