CV2206 Warning: Corrupt OMF Detected in <filename>

ID Number: Q66702

2.x 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.14 | 2.x 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.50



When trying to debug a Macro Assembler (MASM) program with CodeView,

the following message may appear:

CV2206 Warning: Corrupt debug OMF detected in <filename>,

discarding source line information

The error occurs when code segments are not of class "CODE". Page 104

of the "Macro Assembler 5.10 Programmer's Guide" states the following:

The CodeView debugger also expects code segments to have the class

name 'CODE'. If you fail to assign a class type to a code segment,

or if you give it a class type other than 'CODE', then labels may

not be properly aligned for symbolic debugging.

This is also mentioned in the MASM 5.10 "CodeView and Utilities"

manual under section 1.3.8 titled "Preparing Assembly Programs."

The following sample code illustrates this problem.

Sample Code


_text segment para public ; 'CODE' should be added to this line

begin proc

mov ah, 4ch

int 21h

begin endp

_text ends

end begin