How to Execute a Function From the Command or Watch Window

ID Number: Q67007

2.x 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.14 | 2.x 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.50




Page 201 of the "Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques" (APT)

manual that accompanies Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax

states that "any C function in your program (whether user-written or

from the library) can be called from the Command window or the Watch


This statement is not completely true. Actually, only functions

compiled with full CodeView symbolic information can be called. This

restriction eliminates all of the C run-time functions from being

carried out in this manner because they contain no symbolic

information. A simple example of how to call a C run-time function is

shown below.

More Information:

If an attempt is made to carry out a function that has not been

compiled with symbolic information via the Command window, the

following error will be displayed in the Command window:

CV1017 Error: Syntax error

In CodeView versions 2.x, an "unknown symbol" error is displayed in

the Command window.

If an attempt is made to add the function to the Watch window via the

Watch menu and the "Add Watch" command, CodeView will ignore the entry

and beep. In versions 2.x, CodeView will give an "unknown symbol"


The APT gives an example of calling a C function from the Command

window via the following command:

?funcname (varlist)

This command will only invoke the function and display its return

value in the Command window. To add the function to the Watch window,

a slightly different command must be used:

w?funcname (varlist)

The function name can also be added to the Watch window by choosing

the Watch menu and the "Add Watch" command, and typing only the

function name plus its variable list enclosed in parenthesis. Neither

"w" or "?" is needed in this situation.

It is important to note that you should be sure that the screen

flip/swap option on the Options menu is turned on if the function you

run performs any screen input or output.

For example, if you want to call a C run-time function or any other

function that does not contain CodeView symbolic information, you must

create a shell function that calls the desired function itself and

gives the same return value.

Therefore, if you wanted to call the C run-time function sqrt()

directly from the CodeView Command window or Watch window, create a

shell function that resembles the following:

#include <math.h>

double my_sqrt(double x)


return(sqrt(x)) ;


Then compile this function with CodeView information by compiling with

the /Zi switch, and link it into your program being sure to include

/CO in your link command. Note that your program does not need to make

a call to the function in order for it to be available for direct


To carry out this function from the Command window, enter the

following command:


The return value should be displayed on the next line in the Command

window. In this example, 2.0000000000000 should be displayed as a

result of the square root of 4.0.

To add the function to the Watch window via the Command window, enter

the following command:


The function could also be added to the Watch window by choosing the

"Add Watch" command from the Watch menu and entering the following at

the Add Watch prompt:


When a function is added to the Watch window, that function is

carried out any time the Watch window is updated.

Although these examples show a constant value as the parameter to the

function, any variable that is in scope at the time could be entered

as a parameter.

Additional reference words: 2.0 2.00 2.1 2.10 2.2 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.35

3.0 3.00 3.1 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.14 3.5 3.50 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax