INF: Partitioning Logical Disks for Use with SQL Server

ID Number: Q46086

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



The following information discusses how hard disks should be

partitioned to allow for optimal performance of database devices in

SQL Server.

More Information:

SQL Server acquires disk space from OS/2 when DISK INIT is executed by

allocating a normal OS/2 file-system file of the specified size. The

smallest increment is 1 megabyte (MB); this is true regardless of the

size of the disk partition or file-system cluster size. SQL Server

keeps track of how that space is used by the various tables and

database objects through "allocation pages," which occur every 256th

page. This scheme could allow DISK INIT to allocate an OS/2 file as

small as 1/2 MB (256 2K pages); however, the smallest increment is 1


The allocation pages are used by SQL Server to keep track of how the

disk space is being used by the various tables and database objects

within SQL Server. As far as OS/2 and the file system are concerned,

the space was allocated when the DISK INIT was executed and never


There is no advantage to partitioning the hard disk so that it results

in smaller cluster sizes because the space is statically allocated and

never changes. The only performance concern is to minimize disk-head

movement. Database devices should either be allocated on a newly

formatted disk or compacted with a disk-organizer utility to be sure

that all of the clusters of the database devices are physically

contiguous on the disk. If multiple physical drives are available, the

most heavily used data should be allocated on different database

devices, which should in turn be placed on different physical drives.

Putting different database devices on different logical drives does

not improve performance.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20