MASM 6.00 Sample Makefile SNAP.MAK Gives U1073 NMAKE Errors

ID Number: Q71979





When NMAKE is run on the makefile SNAP.MAK included with the sample

programs in the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.00, the

following errors are generated:

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'COMMON.ASM'

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make ''

These errors occur because the makefile does not contain the correct

directory locations for the files COMMON.ASM and DEMO.INC.

More Information:

By default, SNAP.MAK is installed in a subdirectory under MASM 6.00

called \SAMPLES\TSR. SNAP.MAK should assemble the files SNAP.ASM,

INSTALL.ASM, COMMON.ASM, and HANDLERS.ASM. The makefile assumes that

the files DEMO.INC and COMMON.ASM are in the current directory with

the other .ASM files. The U1073 errors are generated because the MASM

6.00 installation program actually places COMMON.ASM and DEMO.INC in

the \SAMPLES\DEMOS subdirectory, and NMAKE cannot find them.

To work around the U1073 errors, copy the files COMMON.ASM and

DEMO.INC from the \SAMPLES\DEMOS subdirectory to the \SAMPLES\TSR
