INF: Using Hard Disk Controller Caching with SQL Server

ID Number: Q46091

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



The following information describes the effects of using SQL Server

with a hard-disk controller card with caching memory on the controller

card (up to 16 MB). Using this type of card provides the benefit of

disk caching without requiring the memory tradeoffs normally

associated with disk caching. The caching algorithm includes write

caching and "elevator sorting" during write-back, when the data to be

written is sorted to minimize head movement.

More Information:

1. Q. Are there any problems when using this type of controller caused

by SQL Server assuming the server is on a UPS to avoid data

corruption due to a power failure?

A. If the disk controller ever fails to write out data intended

for the SQL Server transaction log, SQL Server recovery will

not work correctly.

2. Q. What effect does this type of caching controller have on the

performance of SQL Server?

A. If the cache controller never fails to write to disk what has

been entrusted to it (even if the keyboard sticks, OS/2 GP

faults in the kernel, or the hard disk crashes), there will be

no problem. On the other hand, if the disk controller delays

the writing of some SQL Server log data and chooses to

physically apply other log data (because of the "elevator"

sorting) and fails to write the rest of it for some reason,

SQL Server has no way of knowing that some of the log is

missing. A warm start or even rolling forward from a snapshot

backup might not restore the database correctly. In the worst

case, there would be no failure during recovery and data

corruption would be discovered much later.

If the disk controller is a robust design, it will allow

selective write-through. The device containing the SQL Server

transaction logs must always be write-through. In addition, if

automatic warm start is to work properly, all SQL Server

devices must be flushed at checkpoint time. If the disk

controller does not allow selective write-through, the only

alternative is to make frequent backups and never rely on warm

start or rolling the transaction log forward.

3. Q. Should SQL Server do the caching, or should the disk controller

do the caching?

A. The answer depends on which method is faster. Our experiments

have shown that the SQL Server cache is more efficient than the

OS/2 disk cache. However, we have no way of knowing whether or

not it is more efficient than the caching used by a particular

type of disk controller. The SQL Server cache probably does not

work as fast as a hardware cache; however, it has "inside

knowledge" and can work smarter.

Run a representative workload with the SQL Server memory

parameter set to the minimum value that will support the number

of users required (with the disk controller cache active) for

your installation. Then try it with the memory parameter set to

that value plus the amount of RAM in the disk controller cache

(with the disk controller cache deactivated). For a truly

accurate comparison, the number of pages in the procedure cache

should be equal in both cases. This takes some juggling because

the size of the procedure cache is specified in percent of the

total cache size, while the size of the total cache is specified

by the memory parameter and the number of user connections

parameter. The total cache size is whatever is left after the 42K

per user connection has been carved out of the space specified

by the memory parameter. The remainder is divided between the

procedure and data page cache according to the procedure cache


Additional reference words: GP-fault 1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20