MASM 6.00 Setup May Generate "Bad Full Path" Error Message

ID Number: Q72390





The Setup program for the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version

6.00 may generate the following error:

Bad Full Path 'c:\test\temp'.

This error will occur under the following conditions:

1. The TMP environment variable is set to a subdirectory two or more

levels deep, such as C:\TEST\TEMP.

2. You have selected "Install the Macro Assembler" from the Setup

program's Main Menu screen.

After the error is displayed, pressing any key will return you to the

DOS prompt. The error occurs whether or not this subdirectory actually

exists. If you choose "Install the Macro Assembler Using Defaults"

from the Main Menu screen, the error will not occur.

More Information:

Other than choosing "Install the Macro Assembler Using Defaults" from

the Main Menu screen, this error can be eliminated by using one of the

following three methods:

1. Temporarily clear the TMP environment variable. After Setup has

completed, you can reset TMP. This is only a conflict with the

Setup program, so resetting TMP will not cause any problems with

the execution of MASM.


2. Add a trailing backslash ("\") to the TMP environment variable. For

example, set TMP as follows:



3. Set TMP to a subdirectory that is only one level deep. For



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 6.00. We

are researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.