INF: Windows 3.0 Icon and Cursor Compatibility with 2.1

ID Number: Q57955




SDKPaint automatically converts Windows version 2.1 bitmaps, cursors,

and icons to Windows 3.0 format. These bitmaps, cursors, and icons are

not downward compatible to Windows 2.1 after having been converted by


After being converted into Windows 3.0 format, the icons, cursors, and

bitmaps are then composed of device independent bitmaps (DIBs). DIBs

are incompatible with Windows 2.1. Additionally, for icons and

cursors, Windows 3.0 allows multiple DIB images within the same

resource, which allows Windows to select the image most suited to the

current device resolution.

Therefore, use Windows 2.1 SDK tools to create code and resources for

applications to run under both Windows 2.1 and Windows 3.0.

Applications built with Windows 3.0 tools will only run under Windows

3.0 (and later).