INF: C 5.1 _setlogorg Is Replaced by _setvieworg in C 6.0

ID Number: Q66214

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax



The Microsoft C version 5.1 _setlogorg graphics function is used to

move the logical origin (0, 0) to the physical point (x, y). All other

points move the same direction and distance. This function is not

present in the C 6.0 graphics run-time library because it has been

replaced by the _setvieworg function.

The _setlogorg function is defined in the C 6.0 version of the GRAPH.H

include file. Because of this, code that was originally compiled under

C 5.1 need not be changed before recompiling it under C 6.0.

More Information:

If a C 5.1 .OBJ containing a call to _setlogorg() needs to be linked

with C 6.0 .OBJ files and libraries, you will get an unresolved

external link error on _setlogorg. To work around this problem,

compile the following code under C 6.0 and link it in with the other

.OBJ files:

#include <graph.h>

#undef _setlogorg

struct xycoord _far _setlogorg(short x, short y)


return(_setvieworg(x, y));


Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax