INF: Deadlocks and Timeouts

ID Number: Q46435

1.10 1.11 4.20



Deadlock should not be confused with waiting for access. In SQL

Server, there is no time-out period for deadlocks. One of the

participating processes is immediately aborted. The dbproc can still

be used. The effect is the same as though a trigger procedure caused a

ROLLBACK to be executed. Microsoft has confirmed this with two copies

of ISQL.

On the other hand, if a process requests a row that is being used by

another process, the first process will wait until the second process

releases the row. This is not a deadlock. A deadlock would occur if

the second process were also waiting for the first process (or any

closed loop of waiting processes). In the non-deadlock case, the

second process may release the row at any time, and the first process

will wait until it does (or until the user-specified time-out

expires). If dbsqlexec returns via time-out, the user-defined error

handler will be called with message 10003 and dbsqlexec will return

FAIL. The dbproc will be dead and must be reopened. Microsoft has

confirmed this, also. Also, remember to check your return codes.

Additional reference words: Optimization and tuning