Erroneous 8086 Opcode for Logical AND Instruction

ID Number: Q61054

m5.10 5.10a | 5.10 5.10a




I bought an operating system for a V25 processor that runs with the

INTEL 8086 instruction set. The operating system source code was

assembled with MASM 5.10 and the .8086 directive. The instruction runs

on an 8086 machine, but the machine with the V25 processor hangs at

the following instruction:

AND Word Ptr [S+10], -5 ; Opcode generated is

; 83 64 0A FB


In Appendix A-4 of the INTEL 8086/8088 programmer's reference manual

(1986 edition), there is no opcode for AND that begins with 83. There

is an opcode for AND that begins with 81. The opcode for AND reads as


81 64 0A 00 FB

However, there is an opcode for a sign-extended immediate instruction

in the 80386 instruction set that has the first byte of the opcode as


The V25 adheres strictly to INTEL's 8086 standard and will not accept

an 80386 instruction rather than an 8086 instruction.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM Version 5.10. We

are researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.