Using "Low" in Conjunction with the "Offset" Operator

ID Number: Q40852





When attempting to use the "low" in conjunction with the "offset"

operator, I get the following error message:

error message A2042: Constant expected

The following is a code example that generates the error message:

= 1234 data_equ equ 1234h ;equate data

0000 cseg segment para public

assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg ss:stack

0000 testlow proc far

0000 E9 01FF R start: jmp begin

0003 00 data_a db 0

0004 11 03 R db 11h, low offset data_a

testlow.asm(29): error A2042: Constant expected


This problem has been confirmed with MASM Version 5.10. Microsoft is

researching this problem and will post new information as it becomes


Please note that the same function has been checked against MASM

Versions 5.00 and 4.00, and assembled without error.