INF: Starting SQL Server Remotely

ID Number: Q47271

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This article describes how to start SQL Server remotely.

If the specified server is not running when SAF is started, a prompt

appears asking whether or not to start it. Another way is to use the

NET ADMIN command as follows:

NET ADMIN \\server-name /COMMAND net start sqlserver

If share-level security is active, ADMIN$ must be shared. If ADMIN$

was shared with a password, that password must be used in the NET

ADMIN command. For more information, see Chapter 13 of the

"Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide."

If user-level security is active, the workstation must be NET LOGged

on to an account with ADMIN privilege. For more information, see

Chapter 10 of the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide."

Additional reference words: net admin administration remote